Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Irrelevant Job Part II

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. However, some of it can be interpretted as informative by you, the reader. Please provide feedback.
If you are suffering from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello again. Do you realize how nice it is to no longer be a member of a desirable advertising demographic? In a word, great. Here's why:
I'm usually pretty patient with telemarketers. After all, they, like me, have been rejected more often than five-month old milk. They're just doing a job, for low wages. So even if it's the 10th call in a week for new windows and doors, I'll tell them I just got some last year, rather than say get lost.
Well, I have yet to meet a telemarketer who knows what to say when I mention unemployment. They literally think they're talking to a dead man. Usually some degree of sympathy is followed by a click. It's wonderful!
It is amazing how much advertising impacts us daily. You don't realize it when you are targetted. As soon as you're no longer a target, you can't imagine how much time it adds to a day.
With municipal elections this coming Monday, I'm waiting to see if a candidate comes knocking. I've unfortunately been away when they've come so far. If they do come again, I'm going to ask what they're doing about the unemployed. My prediction is they'll forget I can still vote. Stay tuned.



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