Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Irrelevant Customer II

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. It may be informative however. Please provide feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. Well, the phone company arrived at 1pm. If I would've been employed, it would've meant over half a day off. I would've taken the whole day off since I leave at 3pm to get my kids from school. Do they care if you take vacation time to wait for them? No way!
As an addition to yesterday's list, here are the Top 10 Things You Cannot Do When Waiting for The Phone Company:
  1. Go to the washroom. You're sure to have them arrive then
  2. Vacuum. They'd call during that time
  3. Do chores in the back yard. Again, you would probably miss them
  4. Phone someone else. They would call then
  5. Walk the dog. Same as above
  6. Play loud music
  7. Sleep
  8. Do a task requiring maximum concentration
  9. Watch TV on a floor away from your front door
  10. Cook




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