Monday, February 12, 2007

The Irrelevant Social Pressure

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. My mother was here this weekend. Our work situations are very similar. I've been laid off, and she could be at any time. Plus she's past the formerly mandatory retirement age.
She bounced the idea off me of taking a part-time position with a gift card company. I told her to go for it. That way she'll have two incomes now, and one later should she be laid off. I know she needs the income, and the peace of mind of working. I thought I was very encouraging.
She then asked what my work prospects were. I said I didn't know. She doesn't know our financial situation (it's very good relatively speaking). Her reaction was "I don't know how your spouse let's you sit around", and "you'd better get back to work just because it's work and because you can and because no one your age should not be working".
This is from a woman who stayed home and looked after the kids for over a decade. Amazing. I told her that she of all people should be thrilled I have an opportunity to do the same. I then asked her to write down what she thinks I should do. She did which was great.
Will I pick one of her jobs? We'll see. If I do it's because I think it's good too, and not because she does. This time my career will be one I want, not what someone else wants.



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