Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Irrelevant Blamee II

This blog is mostly tongue in cheek. Some points are informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. Last night a friend made me an irrelevant blamee. He talked about a peer who questioned his actions. My friend is quite soft-spoken, yet the fire lurks below. He said he had to walk away, because his peer came into the situation late and said something that wouldn't have been said if the peer had been part of the entire conversation.
Was my friend still reeling? Absolutely. Did he need to get something off his chest? No question. Did he expect me to take action? Not at all. Then why did I put up with it? Because I was there, and I saw he needed to get it out to someone.
In a way, it's better if I hear it than his wife. She may have said "I told you so", or "When are you going to chew him out?". That would have made my friend worse. With me, it doesn't go any further.
Would a wall picture be better for all involved? It's tough to get the same reaction. While a blamer doesn't want a lot of reaction, they want to know at least one person agrees with them. I always try to see the blamer's point of view, something I always had to do with my dad. He was an inferno at times, but only because he cared.
Help society! Be an irrelevant blamee!



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