Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Irrelevant First Pass

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some parts may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. I was asked yesterday to review and comment on something. After a minute of reviewing, I asked myself, "Why am I doing it? My review and comments are irrelevant".
Why do I say that? Because I know the person asking me to review the item will review it after I do. That person will use criteria to review the item I'm unaware of. So if I review it with different criteria, that person will say, "I don't agree, because Irrelevant didn't use my criteria".
Of course, if I did know that person's criteria, then I could review it the way that person wanted it reviewed. But since that person is going to review it anyway, my review would still be irrelevant. Why have two people review the same item with the same criteria, when one review with the same criteria is sufficient?
No matter what, this person will review the item after I review it. Therefore my review becomes irrelevant. Given this choice, I would rather not review it. In fact, I usually ask the person what is wrong with the item before I review it. Sometimes they tell me, so they've already done the job! The rest of the time they think the question is too weird, therefore I'm too weird to do the review. In either case, I'm free to do other irrelevant things that have less perceived pressure. Of course there's no real pressure since my review is irrelevant.
Next time you're asked to review something, realize it's irrelevant, and have fun!



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