Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Irrelevant Excuse III

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. Should Stephen Ames and others stop telling their true opinions on subjects, even if they're not politically correct? I don't think so.
Why? Because telling the truth means everyone knows where you stand. It means your thoughts are relevant. If you do not say what you truly mean, then you're saying to yourself your thoughts are irrelevant.
I'd rather listen to Stephen Ames or John Daly or Boo Weekley in a press conference any day over Tiger Woods or Mike Weir. Woods and Weir are a corporation's dream, meaning they're a fan's and reporter's nightmare. Ames, Daly and Weekley are the reverse, yet they are memorable, original, at times funny, at times controversial, and always relevant.



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