Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Irrelevant Arrangements II

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. Why does my spouse think my arrangements are irrelevant? Because I'm irrelevant. As an irrelevant person, I'm only capable of doing irrelevant things. At least, that's what a relevant person thinks.
So why do relevant people ask irrelevant people to make arrangements, when they know they will double check anyway? It's a mistaken belief a relevant person has - "If I give an irrelevant person a relevant task, like making arrangements, that person will become relevant". Instead what happens is the arrangements become irrelevant, and have to be redone by a relevant person.
Why then do relevant people keep giving relevant tasks to irrelevant people? Why not just stop delegating? A relevant person would have to answer.



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