Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Irrelevant Broom Hold II

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.

Hello. There is another advantage with an irrelevant broom hold.
Say your skip wants you to throw a certain shot, and you don't like the call. If there is a shot you do like that is relatively close, you can "miss the broom" and throw that shot instead.
What's great about this is, if you're a bad enough player like me, people will just think you missed the broom due to a lack of skill. They won't realize you thought the broom hold was irrelevant.
Is this a bad thing to do? I personally think it's better than having a philosophical discussion that usually turns into an argument.
By making the broom hold irrelevant, you're taking advantage of your ability to throw bad shots. It's a form of self-deprecation. And who can argue with that?



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