Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Irrelevant Waiting List

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points are informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. I'm continuing to read the Toronto Star's articles re poverty. Today's topic was daycare. It's a real Catch-22 for all parents of young children (myself included). Do you stay home, and probably make no money? Or do you go to work, and try to raise enough money for daycare? Will you have enough money left over to make it worthwhile?
After reading this article, what I'm finding is these questions are irrelevant. Why? Because there's not enough daycare. The article mentions a couple who put their name on a daycare waiting list before their child was born. The child is now 3.5 years old, and they're still waiting. 4 years!
Why bother having a waiting list? In this case, there are only 69 spots. Yet the waiting list is 200+. That means all these spots have to turnover 3 times before the last person on the list gets to be in the place. Since we're only talking 6 years for a child to be eligible, and a child can be in the daycare for 6 years, it's just not going to happen for anyone past the top 20 on the list.
Given this situation I would recommend parents do one of the following:
  1. Hire a nanny
  2. Become a certified daycare provider, and open your own business
  3. Find a career where you can be at home with the kids when your spouse is not

Whatever your choice, raise yourself above an irrelevant waiting list stat.




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