Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Irrelevant Golf Membership II

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. Why be a private golf club member? I'm not sure. The cost is huge at clubs in this particular area. If your club needs a new clubhouse, all the best raising that type of money while keeping the membership at an affordable rate.
You may say you have a voice in how the club is run. It's been my expeerience, however, that your opinions are irrelevant, even if you are a director. Why? Because the boards can be very political. Decisions are usually "finalized" before they're presented, because the players have been aligned in advance.
Will you get better service at a private club? Debatable. I've found that members get treated like guests, and guests like members. Why? The guests are additional revenue. Since members are paying a flat rate no matter how much they're playing, there seems to be no incentive for many staff to go out of their way to retain the membership.
While your experiences may be different, I find a golf club membership can be irrelevant.



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