Friday, January 19, 2007

The Irrelevant Opinion

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.

Hello. I'm often asked what my opinion is on subjects. I used to put a lot of thought into it. Then it hit me. Why am I thinking about it so much? It's irrelevant, because I'm irrelevant.
To give a parallel, no one asks Britney Spears for an opinion on global warming, or politics. Why? No credibility. Same with me. I don't have an opinion that matters, because I don't matter.
Is this good? It certainly is, if you don't worry about rejection. You can say what ever you want, and take no time to say it. The freedom is amazing! And since your opinion gets dismissed, there's no lasting effects.
Back to my example. If Britney Spears says global warming is nothing to worry about, is that going to change anyone's opinion, let alone someone who is passionately saying the world is coming to an end? Absolutely not. Why would it? In fact if someone is that passionate even scientific evidence won't change their opinion. That's why the opinion is only important if the person asking for it is open-minded.
Don't waste your time thinking about your opinion. Just blurt it out.



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