Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Irrelevant Major Championship Winner II

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. I got some feedback on yesterday's article from Oahu re Michelle Wie. Many thanks for your input!
To summarize, this reader says Wie has disappeared off the radar as a joke. She is nowhere. And Nike in the reader's opinion will not be able to recoup their investment.
Some interesting points. Here's my response.
First, Michelle Wie is a human being who has a great ability to hit the golf ball. I can shoot around par, and I'll never be as good as Michelle Wie. If I were in her shoes, and Nike would've offered me $10 million over 5 years to golf, I would've taken it. In fact, I would've quit school to golf full time. She was never going to be as popular as she was when she signed that contract. It was a great time for her to cash in. Will it have long term effects? Maybe. But she, like many other teen phenoms before her, was not and is not a sure thing to win professionally.
Secondly, Nike more than made their money, because what Michelle Wie did or didn't do was irrelevant. The media was there to record her every move, good or bad. And if she ends up like the New Coke, she'll still be infamous. Right now, Nike probably won't renew her contract, but $10 million is a drop in the ocean to them.
In summary, while this reader and many others may be laughing at Wie and Nike, the truth is their performance is irrelevant, because they have captured the public's interest and received the money for it. They did indeed get the last laugh over us if this is a joke, which I hope for Michelle Wie personally is not the case.



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