Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Irrelevant Wall Hanging Opinion II

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. Was Wall E the right choice? I believe so. However, the wife, being a relevant person, didn't want the husband, being an irrelevant person, to think so.
Instead, she did something which preserved her husband's irrelevancy. Her answer was "Well, I'm going to leave it on Wall E for now, until I figure out where it should really go".
What I like about this answer is she can still rightfully claim he's irrelevant. And she can take her time putting the wall hanging on the "correct" wall. Even if it is currently on the "correct" wall, if she leaves it there for a few months, he'll forget about it.
Is this whole scenario relevant? Of course! There's no way a relevant person wants to admit an irrelevant person had a relevant idea. It would be a total change in how the universe operates.


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Irrelevant Wall Hanging Opinion

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. My spouse constantly asks me for my opinion. Why I have no idea, because it's irrelevant, since I'm irrelevant.
It reminds me of what a gentleman I know went through with his wife when deciding where to put a wall hanging. His wife asked him where he would put this wall-hanging, as apparently she hadn't decided yet.
After she suggested Wall A, she reemed off many reasons why it was inappropriate. Same for his suggestions of Walls B, C, and D.
Finally, he suggested Wall E. There was silence.
Where were the idea-torching reasons? What was going on? Had he made a relevant choice?
More tomorrow.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Irrelevant Recognition II

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. As mentioned yesterday, an irrelevant person is suspicious of recorgnition, especially from relevant people. Motive - why is this relevant person praising me? - is a huge factor. As a result, an irrelevant person cannot fully accept recognition from a relevant person.
What is the best recognition an irrelevant person can receive? I believe it's the following:

"I was indifferent to your presence. It didn't matter that you were here"

What's great about this? It's the highest an irrelevant person can go. The lowest is being a hindrance.
Use this simple recognition to an irrelevant person to eliminate any confusion.


Monday, September 24, 2007

The Irrelevant Recognition

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. Why do relevant people give irrelevant people recognition? It's a question that boggles my mind. After all, if the person is irrelevant, then doesn't it follow that the tasks they do are also irrelevant?
As an irrelevant person, I don't want to hear "You did very well on that task". If I hear that, immediately warning signals go up. Why is this relevant person praising me? Why is this relevant person even talking to me? What is the REAL reason for this relevant person to talk to me?
Since Ontarians are in the middle of an election, we are being showered with this irrelevant recognition. You are important! You can make a difference! Vote for my party!
What kind of recognition is acceptable to an irrelevant person? The answer tomorrow.


Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Irrelevant Arrangements II

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. Why does my spouse think my arrangements are irrelevant? Because I'm irrelevant. As an irrelevant person, I'm only capable of doing irrelevant things. At least, that's what a relevant person thinks.
So why do relevant people ask irrelevant people to make arrangements, when they know they will double check anyway? It's a mistaken belief a relevant person has - "If I give an irrelevant person a relevant task, like making arrangements, that person will become relevant". Instead what happens is the arrangements become irrelevant, and have to be redone by a relevant person.
Why then do relevant people keep giving relevant tasks to irrelevant people? Why not just stop delegating? A relevant person would have to answer.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Irrelevant Arrangements

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. My spouse and I are playing in a golf tournament next Monday. As it starts at 1:30pm, we'll be on the course when our kids get out of school.
I've made arrangements to have our next door neighbour, who looks after kids after school, pick up our kids from our school. We're also going to give her money to take everyone out for dinner. I've discussed needing a booster seat, when our school lets kids out, etc.
My spouse has asked me for an update with several pointed questions. After answering them, I suggested my spouse should talk to her directly. Why? Because my arrangements are irrelevant.
My spouse, like any other relevant person, does not trust arrangements made by an irrelevant person. Why? More tomorrow.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Irrelevant Lunch Companion

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. Today I had lunch with a dear friend. I was the first to arrive at the restaurant. My lunch companion didn't arrive until 15 minutes after our agreed-upon time. That was fine with me, but it got me thinking.
Because my lunch companion is relevant, it was irrelevant what time she came to the restaurant. I was going to wait, and even eat alone, no matter what time she came.
On the other hand, I'm irrelevant, so it's relevant when I arrive to the restaurant. If I can 15+ minutes after our agreed-upon time, my relevant friend would be entirely justified in leaving without waiting for me. After all, she has relevant things to do with her day. I have only irrelevant things to do with my day.
Is this fair? Of course it is! So be on time, irrelevant people!


Monday, September 17, 2007

The Irrelevant Diagnosis

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. This morning my daughter was coughing up a storm. My spouse thought it was iffy whether or not she should go to school. I was asked for my opinion. My reply was my diagnosis would be irrelevant.
Why? Because I'm irrelevant.
What this means is if I think she should be at school, and my spouse thinks home, she'll stay at home. If I think she should be at home and my spouse thinks school, she goes to school.
It doesn't matter if my diagnosis is correct or not. Because the source (me) is irrelevant, my diagnosis is irrelevant.
Is this fair? Yes, I think it is. It means I have no pressure. I can say whatever I want, with no worries about what I say. Talk about freedom! I love it!


Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Irrelevant Shift II

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. Why do we have shifts? Because the people in charge (ie management) have not or are afraid to do the analysis to see what shift times are relevant, and what times are irrelevant. They assume they have to be available for the entire shift, when really they could be closed for 80% of it with no harsh results.
So will management change? Probably not. It only takes one complaint of being unavailable for a manager to have a shift fully manned.
The question is, is it worth it? Again, probably not. Restricted hours could give the customer a feeling of exclusitivity. They could feel like they are special, so they may want the restricted hours.
Check to see how much shift time is relevant.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Irrelevant Shift

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. Many people, including myself, do shift work. We start at a certain time, and end at a certain time. However, those times don't always conform to the amount of work we do. In essence, shifts are irrelevant.
Why? Because it's not the start and stop times of a person's shifts that are important. It's whether or not people are being served. And the Pareto Principle says 20% of someone's time is spent doing 80% their work.
As a result, a person who normally works 9-5 five days a week could instead work 9-5 one day of the week and get 4 days worth of work done.
Or a person could work less than 2 hours a day and get done more than 6 hours work (based on an 8 hour day).
So why do people have to work shifts? More tomorrow.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Irrelevant Proposal II

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelvancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. How do you make a proposal to someone who will have trouble comprehending it? You find out (or guess) what is relevant to them. In my mom's case, her main relevant criteria is that our family is happy, followed very closely by seeing someone as a productive member of society, doing everything in their power to earn more money.
I approached her by saying my staying at home benefits our entire family, not just me. I of course have less stress. So does my spouse, who doesn't have to worry about getting our kids ready or scheduling vacations around PA days or a home care person's schedule. My kids benefit from having a parent around more often. And we don't have to fork out money for home care, or any of my commuting costs, which saves us a lot.
Make your proposal as relevant to the presentee as possible.


Monday, September 10, 2007

The Irrelevant Proposal

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. Today I proposed my career plan to my mom. She's in her 70s. As I was proposing what I wanted to do, I could see she was ready to interrupt me. My proposal was irrelevant to her.
Why? Because her mindset is based on her situation, not mine. For example, she is living off of CPP. It's an important part of her income. She figures if I'm not contributing to it now, my proceeds down the road will be minimal.
I tried to explain to her my spouse and I do not expect to collect one dime from CPP. Our financial plan is based on other revenue sources. To my mom, this was hard to comprehend. It affected her ability to understand what I wanted to accomplish. As a result, I could've said anything and it would've been the same reaction.
How to make a proposal understood? More tomorrow.


Thursday, September 06, 2007

The Irrelevant Career Plans III

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. The way I can make my career thoughts relevant is to turn their tangible, irrelevant (to me) thoughts into intangible, relevant (to me) thoughts, then into tangible, relevant (to me)thoughts.
For example, they want me to get an office job (tangible, irrelevant). I ask them if they want me to be happy (intangible, relevant). They should say yes. If they say no, they're no longer part of the conversation.
I tell them for me to be happy (intangible, relevant), I have to work part time (tangible, relevant) so I can continue to . The career plan to me is irrelevant if it doesn't have a part-time component.
If someone balks at this point ("that's not enough money"), ask them if they know your exact financial situation. Only your spouse should. Then you are on your way to relevancy.


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Irrelevant Career Plans II

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. Today I met with my career counsellor. Fortunately, she is someone who was also laid off, and spent time at home. We're on the same wavelength. We don't believe there's an immediate need for me to work a full-time job. In fact, we both think I could work a couple of part-time jobs and be just fine.
Does the above matter? No. Why? Because one of the people involved in the above thoughts (me) is irrelevant.
If my family and close friends were involved with my career counsellor and me, I'd say it was a productive meeting. Because they weren't, and their thoughts are more relevant than mine (because they're more relevant than me), they won't like what we came up with.
How do I get around that? More tomorrow.


Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Irrelevant Career Plans

This blog is written mostly tongue in cheek. Some points may be informative. Please provide your feedback.
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.

Hello. Today I'm writing down the different ideas I have for what I want to do when I grow up. I'm scheduled to meet with a consultant Wednesday.
I have a lot of different directions I can go in. Fortunately money is not one of my main concerns. In theory I could stay at home all day, and if we made some cuts we'd survive. However, my career plans are really irrelevant.
Why? Because my family and friends have already planned out what they want me to do. Get a fulltime office job in my previous industry. Go back to being what I was. Make great money. Be unhappy.
Is this the direction I should take? I don't think so. I want to be something else. However, for those people who "love" me, it would not be a good plan.
Will things change after my meeting tomorrow? I'll let you know.
