The Irrelevant Coaching II
If you suffer from self-irrelevancy, please seek professional advice.
Hello. What's my take on the Dale Begg-Smith story? The coaching he would've been receiving in the practices he was missing was irrelevant. Dale was at the top without it.
The question the coaches were asking themselves was also irrelevant. Instead of asking "What can we do to get Dale to attend more practices?", they should've been asking "Why is Dale #1 in spite of missing some practices?".
The answer to the latter question was probably was related to the Pareto Principle, which Ferriss says changed his life. Begg-Smith was probably focusing on the 20% of training which gave him 80% of his results. If the coaches would've found out what that 20% was, they and the team would've become better.
Always ask what part of the coaching you receive is relevant.